Steel is one of the most versatile materials used by all industries. It is a combination of iron and carbon. However, depending on the composition of steel and carbon, different types and grades of steel are created. There are around 3,500 different grades of steel used in different manufacturing industries. Based on the iron and carbon composition levels, steel is categorised into four categories: carbon steels, alloy steels, stainless steels, and tool steels.
To learn more, read on and understand the different types of steels and their properties.
What are the different types of steels?
Stainless steels
Stainless steels are made with 10 to 20% chromium, nickel, silicon, manganese, and carbon. Because of their increased capacity to survive under all weather conditions, stainless steel is highly corrosion-resistant and safe for all types of outdoor construction. For example, grade F51 is a duplex stainless steel is used for construction purposes. Other grades of stainless steel are also commonly used for electrical devices.
Alloy steels
On the other hand, alloy steels are made by combining steel with other elements like nickel, copper, chromium, and aluminium. Combining steel with these elements improves strength and ductility and makes the steel corrosion-resistant.
Carbon steels
Carbon steel is the most common type of steel used for manufacturing processes. It is generally classified under three subgroups: low-carbon steels, medium-carbon steels, and high-carbon steels. Companies generally produce these types of steels in large quantities, and since carbon is the main component, they are less expensive than the other variants. Carbon steels are robust and suitable for large-scale construction projects.
Tool steels
Tool steels are composed of tungsten, cobalt, and molybdenum. This type of steel is commonly used for cutting and drilling equipment manufacturing. Since this type of steel can be easily shaped, it is the best option for the tool manufacturing process. Tool steels are highly heat resistant and durable.
These common types of steel can further be classified into different grades depending on their chemical composition, treatment, and mechanical qualities. Manufacturers always rely on trusted suppliers of stainless steel, nickel, duplex, and bespoke forgings for manufacturing and construction.
Contact Lolu Alloys Ltd for the same. We design and manufacture precision-engineered components and assemblies for a range of industries.
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